John Bozzelli

“Garrett and I go back to 1997 where he was trained in Scientific Molding procedures. Smart and talented, he has used this methodology and strategy to widen his knowledge base and grow in capabilities. His initiative is shown in starting up and his work at KI “Green Initiatives”. Currently we are working together to incorporate plastics in green technologies.”
Rodney Davenport CH3 Solutions
Garrett’s class is information-packed for a great price! I would highly recommend..
Norbert Sparrow

“Garrett is the type of individual editors of business-to-business media are always looking for but rarely find: Someone with deep technical expertise who is able to write about a complex topic in a clear and engaging manner. He is a regular contributor to PlasticsToday and I always look forward to receiving his articles because I know that I will learn something new about plastics processing and that minimal editing will be required. His articles also are highly valued by our readers: They consistently receive blockbuster page views.”
Clare Goldsberry

“Garrett is a go-getter with lots of good ideas that he’s bringing to the plastics industry. His experience and expertise is providing him with the know-how to bring technology information to those in the industry with a “need to know”
Mike Tolinski

“Garrett’s website is a great training-focused online resource of the type the industry needs, especially at a time when it’s becoming harder to find trained plastics technicians”
Matt Defosse

“Garrett is an expert in multiple facets of plastics processing, and kindly offered to share his expertise in a series of articles for our audience. The mission of our web portal,, is to provide plastics processors with information they can use to run their companies more efficiently. With Garrett’s expert insight, I am sure we can meet that mission.”